A collection of pithy saying and real-life observations to inspire and motivate every leader, both realized and potential, with or without a title.


Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

Leadership Class Students will be attending the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast which is sponsored by the Reading Berks Conference of Churches on Tuesday, September 23 at 7:15 am.


You are all in for the Mayor's Breakfast next Tuesday. It is located at the Sheraton in Wyomissing and starts at 7:15, so I would expect you all to arrive at 7 am. Paul, confirm with me asap if you'll be able to go.

What to expect:
  • You will be seated among business leaders at their table. So, you must be prepared to ask and answer questions. Do not go expecting that you'll be cloistered with your friends. In fact, depending on the reservations, I'd prefer if you sat apart at the table. We'll see once we get there.
  • Because most of you are introverts, this may be difficult for you...but introversion is not the same as being shy...it just means that you need to prepare questions ahead of time to ask.
  • Think of things you are truly interested in and ask. Adults like it when students are genuinely interested in what they do.
  • Be prepared to post what you learned on the blog and discuss later that day in class. You will be assessed on your interaction with people that you are seated with.
Ideas of questions to ask (put in your own words):
What business are you in?
How did you first become interested in this business?
What is it like to lead a business like that?
We're taking a Leadership Class at The Kings' Academy -- what would be your number one leadership principle to tell someone interested in doing what you do?

Touch base with me if you have any questions.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tubbs. I hope you get this comment :)