A collection of pithy saying and real-life observations to inspire and motivate every leader, both realized and potential, with or without a title.


Preparation for Mayor's Breakfast

Lesson 3 - Seating/Building Rapport at the Mayor's Breakfast

Assignment #1

Figure out a way amongst yourselves to determine with whom each person will sit. Remember Krista is going as well, so you need to take her into consideration:

3 students will sit with Roland & Schlegel Law Firm
3 students will sit with Al Ottinger (a business coach and some of his clients)
2 students and I will sit with a Reading Berks Conference of Churches Board Member (Jack Lacey) and members of Christ Episcopal Church

Assignment #2

Next, consider the answer to this question:

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Write down these three words.

Has anyone ever commented on these qualities, positively or negatively?

Write down your answer. Share the three words with the class. See if they would use the same or similar words.

**Why do this? Sometimes our self-perception is very different than what comes across to others...especially for introverts...we may think we're being talkative or brash, when in fact we come across as reserved or polite.

If you find that you don't come across the way you think you do, what can you do on Tuesday to present the side of you that you would like them to know? It isn't about being fake...it's about being confident about displaying a part of you that you may not be good at displaying to people you don't know.

What three words would you like the people you are sitting with on Tuesday to use to describe you after the breakfast?

Write down these words, then write down how you will act in order to convey these characteristics to the people at the breakfast.


I am not kidding about this assignment...You WILL NOT just sit there talking to one another or staring at your eggs and bacon. If this creates stress for you, this is good...it means you're alive. All it means is that you need to practice and prepare.

To be honest, I'm a little nervous because I know this type of environment is hard for me as an introvert, and with my reduced vision, large rooms with lots of people and (usually) dim lighting make it highly probable that I'll bump into someone or trip over a chair at least once. I also know that getting to know people is highly rewarding and worth the effort, and the quicker you learn this, the better off you'll be.

So, just know that you're not alone, and there will be plenty of people there that feel the same as you, you just may not notice it. There will be a lot of students there as well...it's time to stand out!

You will act as if you're going on a first date. You will ask all sorts of questions about what they do, what they like about their profession, what they don't like, what it's like to start out in it, what type of preparation you would need to get into it, what is the single most rewarding thing they've done in their career, etc. (Refer to the previous blog post for more question ideas).

Because you want to begin building your contact list for future reference, you will ask for contact information from the person(s) you're talking with before the end of the breakfast. You may want to pursue some sort of internship (which we will help you arrange) or visit their workplace to see what they do in a typical day. The business coach would be able to give a lot of different ideas for placement for internships, the Board member is in finance of some sort, just not sure where he works, and the members of the church all work somewhere...so there are a lot of opportunities in addition to the law firm.

So, be prepared with a pen and pad of paper. They'll probably have business cards, but you can't count on that.

You will introduce the person you developed a relationship with to me before we depart at some point.

Each of the items in bold will go into determining your grade.

If you have any questions about any of this, email me before Tuesday.


Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

Leadership Class Students will be attending the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast which is sponsored by the Reading Berks Conference of Churches on Tuesday, September 23 at 7:15 am.


You are all in for the Mayor's Breakfast next Tuesday. It is located at the Sheraton in Wyomissing and starts at 7:15, so I would expect you all to arrive at 7 am. Paul, confirm with me asap if you'll be able to go.

What to expect:
  • You will be seated among business leaders at their table. So, you must be prepared to ask and answer questions. Do not go expecting that you'll be cloistered with your friends. In fact, depending on the reservations, I'd prefer if you sat apart at the table. We'll see once we get there.
  • Because most of you are introverts, this may be difficult for you...but introversion is not the same as being shy...it just means that you need to prepare questions ahead of time to ask.
  • Think of things you are truly interested in and ask. Adults like it when students are genuinely interested in what they do.
  • Be prepared to post what you learned on the blog and discuss later that day in class. You will be assessed on your interaction with people that you are seated with.
Ideas of questions to ask (put in your own words):
What business are you in?
How did you first become interested in this business?
What is it like to lead a business like that?
We're taking a Leadership Class at The Kings' Academy -- what would be your number one leadership principle to tell someone interested in doing what you do?

Touch base with me if you have any questions.



Common Objects of Love

Greetings Class!

Please note the "Leadership Clips" box in the right margin. Check out a couple of these blog posts and submit at least one substantive comment on the blog below. I plan on having additional people with leadership experience posting on here as well for your benefit, so you'll be checking this blog regularly for assignments, instruction and general inspiration!

See Lesson #2 below:

The book Common Objects of Love by Oliver O'Donovan assumes the Augustinian view of society as posited in City of God book 19. Augustine makes the case that "A people, we may say, is a gathered multitude of rational beings united by agreeing to share the things they love."

So Augustine famously challenged the classical definition of a republic articulated by Cicero, replacing an idealist understanding of organized social life with a realist one, which would allow for radical criticism without dissolving the political phenomenon altogether."

You can hear Dr. O'Donovan discussing this information in a lecture at Calvin College.

Read pp. 25-32 of this book here and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the ground on which we act as individuals and communities?
  2. What determines and defines the structures of society?
  3. To what is this love directed?
  4. Define "community"
  5. What is the center of all human communication?
  6. How does a community attain coherence?
  7. How is human communication different from animal communication?
  8. How are communities formed?
  9. What does any of this have to do with leadership?