A collection of pithy saying and real-life observations to inspire and motivate every leader, both realized and potential, with or without a title.


Leader's Toolbox

The newly created Leader's Toolbox will be developed to assist the everyday leader in leading well. Leadership Toolbox will provide pithy, motivating lessons that will be easily implemented.

This is NOT only aimed at the corporate CEO (though they will find usefulness as well), but to everyone who will, at some point, have an opportunity to lead. My goal is that you will seize that opportunity and lead well.

As always, interaction is the best form of education, so feedback is always welcome!

For reference to previous postings on Leadership, see:

Leadership Tip 1
Leadership Tip 1.1
Leadership Tip 2
Leadership Tip 2.1
Leadership Lessons 1, 2 and 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day i'll figure all of this out...it will be a good day.